Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Healthy diet can ease pain of arthritis

If you have arthritis you may wonder what types of food you should be eating. Here is an answer I found to this question which I thought was very helpful, I hope you find it helpful too. For similar articles, check out the Arthritis Directory under 'My Favorite Links'.


It depends on the type of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic auto-immune disease where the immune system attacks the body's joints, causing inflammation and pain in joints and, possibly, neighboring organs. Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is a degenerative disease where cartilage within joints breaks down over time, resulting in pain.

Regardless of which form of arthritis you have, you will benefit from following a healthful meal plan. This includes eating a variety of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, heart-healthy nuts and seeds, fish, low-fat calcium-rich dairy foods (milk, yogurt, and cheese), and lean protein (beans, tofu, poultry and fish), as well as a limited amount of added sugars (found in sweets and processed foods), saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.

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